Anna Kennington

Career Director: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Geological Sciences, Physics & Astronomy
Contact Information:
(801) 422-5944 | 106C BNSN
Make An Appointment
Why I love working here:
I love working in a place where the goal at every level is to help students become better over the time they are here.
Quote I live by:
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. I think what Emerson is saying here is that focusing on happiness is shallow, that a life of true fulfillment comes with an outward focus. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ encompasses all that Emerson encourages and more. Happiness and its richer companion joy are natural outgrowths of living an honorable, useful, Christ-centered life.
Advice for Students:
College should be as much about your life experiences as it is about the grades. The grades are important, but you’re also getting to know yourself and what you have to offer the world. Make room for taking a ballroom dance class, creative writing, or some other class that takes you completely out of your bubble. Go on a study abroad if you can. You’ll see the world through fresh eyes. That broader perspective will help you in your social, family, and church relationships as well as your future career – whatever that looks like.
Favorite BYU Ice Cream Flavor:
Do I seriously have to pick? My top three would be Pralines and Caramel, Raspberry Cream Cheese, and Graham Canyon. I’m sure there could be many others but I just haven’t tried them all yet. I’m open to recommendations!
What I love doing when I’m not at work:
I love figuring out what plants I can get to grow in my yard and house. I peruse gardening catalogs, nurseries, and gardening websites like other people doomscroll TikTok (I tell my kids I can quit any time). If I’m not in my garden, I’m spending time with my family, playing the piano, watching movies, or dreaming up the next vacation I’d like to take.
(801) 422-5944 | 106C BNSN
Make An Appointment
Why I love working here:
I love working in a place where the goal at every level is to help students become better over the time they are here.
Quote I live by:
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. I think what Emerson is saying here is that focusing on happiness is shallow, that a life of true fulfillment comes with an outward focus. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ encompasses all that Emerson encourages and more. Happiness and its richer companion joy are natural outgrowths of living an honorable, useful, Christ-centered life.
Advice for Students:
College should be as much about your life experiences as it is about the grades. The grades are important, but you’re also getting to know yourself and what you have to offer the world. Make room for taking a ballroom dance class, creative writing, or some other class that takes you completely out of your bubble. Go on a study abroad if you can. You’ll see the world through fresh eyes. That broader perspective will help you in your social, family, and church relationships as well as your future career – whatever that looks like.
Favorite BYU Ice Cream Flavor:
Do I seriously have to pick? My top three would be Pralines and Caramel, Raspberry Cream Cheese, and Graham Canyon. I’m sure there could be many others but I just haven’t tried them all yet. I’m open to recommendations!
What I love doing when I’m not at work:
I love figuring out what plants I can get to grow in my yard and house. I peruse gardening catalogs, nurseries, and gardening websites like other people doomscroll TikTok (I tell my kids I can quit any time). If I’m not in my garden, I’m spending time with my family, playing the piano, watching movies, or dreaming up the next vacation I’d like to take.