Are you a student deciding on a major or looking to land a coveted job or internship? Or, are you an alum who is looking to mentor students or expand your own network? Then BYU Connect is for YOU.
Learn how to use the platform in order to best suit your needs. Whether you are a student or grad, BYU Connect can be a beneficial tool during and after your BYU experience.
For BYU Students
Expand your network now and find a mentor! With its ever-increasing database of BYU alumni, BYU Connect can help you find an alum in your field of interest who can help you broaden your perspective, network and make vital career decisions.
As a student on BYU Connect, you can:
- Expand your network and build relationships with BYU alumni
- Discuss goals and aspirations with willing, qualified mentors
- Join groups and engage with others in your major, college or industry of interest
- Access career resources and become involved in the discussion board
For BYU Alumni
Bless the lives of BYU students by serving as a mentor to a current student, whether in-person, over the phone, or virtually through a video calling system on the platform. You can also expand your professional network by connecting with other alumni in your region or industry.
As a BYU alum, you can:
- Mentor and uplift current BYU students
- Post opportunities for jobs, post a referral, or apply for current available positions
- Join a group to engage with former classmates, current students or those that work in a similar field
- Network with other alumni, friends of BYU, and employers
Could your Alumni Chapter benefit from a space where users can find one another, answer questions, have access to your resources, and see events? A BYU Connect group could be a great resource to help your current chapter members and future chapter members (Current BYU students) build relationships.
A typical group page will look something like this:

If you are interested in creating a group, please contact:
For BYU Faculty/Staff
Use BYU Connect to easily reconnect with former students in your classes and/or offices. You can also use BYU Connect to help better connect the current students in your colleges with grads as you build out your own groups.
As a BYU faculty or staff member, you can:
- Connect with current and former students in your classes or offices
- Mentor and uplift current BYU students
- Network with other alumni, friends of BYU, and employers
- Create and manage groups to better connect your school or colleges current students and alumni
Could your school, college or department benefit from a space where users can find one another, answer questions, have access to your resources, and see events? A BYU Connect group could be a great resource to help your current and former students build relationships.
A typical group page will look something like this:

If you are interested in creating a group, please contact:
For Employers
BYU Connect is the perfect place to find qualified BYU graduates for your company’s positions. Post job opportunities and find alumni through the "Explore the Community" page, or build relationships with students who reach out to you.
As an employer, you can:
- Post experienced (college graduate) jobs for BYU alumni and Friends of BYU
- Recruit current BYU students for future jobs
- Build relationships with current students who reach out to you
For Friends of BYU
Are you an avid BYU fan, but didn’t graduate from the Y? Please join us on BYU Connect and have a voice in the community!
As a friend of BYU, you can:
- Mentor and guide students to become successful leaders
- Expand your own professional network
For Students of Other Church Schools
BYU also invites students from BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii, and Ensign College to join BYU Connect.
As a student from another CES school, you can:
- Join the BYU Connect community to leverage the vast network of BYU alumni