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Lane Muranaka

Lane Muranaka Pic

Career Director: Computer Science, Mathematics, & Statistics

Contact Information:
(801) 422-9360 | 2152A WVB
Make An Appointment

Why I love working here:
I love working where we can blend secular and spiritual learning to impact the lives of the students that we serve.

Quote I live by:
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths – Proverbs 3:5-6

Advice for Students:
Follow your curiosity and ask lots of questions. Don’t be afraid of looking dumb, because you’ll find a lot of dumb people are really successful. 😊

Favorite BYU Ice Cream Flavor:
Mint Chocolate Chip (do they have that here?)

What I love doing when I’m not at work:
Right now, I love to chase my kids around and support their activities. I love sports, playing golf, and it is a goal of mine to see a game at every major league baseball stadium.