Michael Elrod Skip to main content

Michael Elrod

Career Director: McKay School of Education, Secondary Education Majors, Anthropology & History

Contact Information:
michael_elrod@byu.edu | 175 MCKB

Why I love working here:
Working at BYU provides the platform to assist students in identifying the intersection(s) where their unique talents, inherent spiritual gifts, and eternal potential align with the professional world to build the kingdom, bless others, and pursue happiness. Assisting students in finding the challenge they want to grapple with (personally, professionally, etc.) and then providing the tools and resources to walk that path—or accomplish that work—is satisfying and meaningful.

Quote I live by:
"Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another." - Carl Sagan

"Because of our covenant with God, He will never tire in his efforts to help us, and we will never exhaust His merciful patience with us. Each of us has a special place in God's heart. He has high hopes for us." - Russell M. Nelson

Advice to Students:
Rely on all available avenues to direct your path. Rely on personal revelation and divine guidance. Become familiar with available scientific resources (websites, databases, collections, research, etc.). Have conversations with family, trusted friends, and allies to receive advice and confirm choices. Expect some trial and error while experimenting—it is part of the journey. Always extend yourself grace when you feel as though you haven't measured up. Lean on the Savior regularly and especially when you struggle with any of the above.

Favorite BYU Ice Cream Flavor:
So far, it is Cookies and Cream. Before C-and-C, it was Graham Canyon. I bet I'll find my new favorite in the next couple of days.

What I love doing when I'm not at work: 
Anything that I can involve my family in: pickleball, serving neighbors, home renovation projects, gardening, reading, cleaning the garage, etc.