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Resumes 101

March 24, 2020 06:24 PM
Your resume determines whether or not you will be interviewed for a job. Follow this guide to make your resume stand out from the stacks of applicants.


Use this revolutionary online resource to upload your resume and cover letter for review . VMock analyzes hundreds of parameters and puts your resume against field specific resumes to help you get the best result.

Resume Action Verbs

July 15, 2019 01:43 PM
Articulating your work experience is not easy. This list of verbs will help make the bullet points on your resume more engaging and effective.

Writing Bullet Points

March 24, 2020 06:29 PM
On your resume, writing effective bullet points describing your experience helps to showcase the skills you have learned through the different work or volunteer experiences. Here are some tips on how to best grab an employers attention.

Church Service

March 24, 2020 06:12 PM
This page contains recommendations on how to include volunteer church service such as a mission on your resume. Learn how you can incorporate that into the experience portion of your resume.

Sample Resumes by College

July 12, 2019 11:49 AM
Are you trying to create a resume for your field? This has multiple examples and templates of others to get you started.

Resume Templates

October 08, 2019 03:37 PM
Trying to build a resume? Here are some basic templates for to get you started!

Resume Rubric

March 18, 2020 01:38 PM
Need to evaluate your resume before applying to a job? Click here to see how it measures up to standards! Feel free to chat with the Studio for more assistance.